

萬聖節 vs 萬聖夜 要分清楚!


後來天主教會根據意大利本篤會的傳統,把十一月一日定為《諸聖日》「All Saints’ Day」,即是《萬聖節》來記念歷代信徒,透過連夜禱告,希望當地人從而忘記民間的傳統鬼節。


1. 主動出擊,帶同教會的小孩上門派發福音單張和糖果而不是取糖果。

2. 在教會舉辦如同嘉年華會的「豐收節」,讓鄰近的大人小孩可到教會參加有益身心的活動,而不是四出扮鬼怪、拍門取糖果。

3. 當有小孩上門取糖果時,會將福音單張連同糖果一起給予他們。

4. 舉行祈禱會至深宵,讓會眾參與這屬靈的爭戰。




All Saints’ Day Vs Halloween

Halloween was established when the Christian faith was introduced to Britain in response to the British cults at that time. Witchcraft was widespread in Britain in ancient times. In particular, the last day of October every year marks the official end of summer and the arrival of winter. On this day, it gets dark at four o'clock in the afternoon, the Celts believed that the power of the darkness rises, and all kinds of evil spirits would appear. This is the "Day of the Dead". The Celts would wear masks on that day to scare away evil spirits. That’s why during Halloween today, there is this tradition of masquerading.

Later on, the Catholic Church designated November 1st as "All Saints' Day" to commemorate the saints in the past. They hoped that the local people would pray overnight for the saints of all ages, thereby forgetting the traditional ghost festival.

Halloween is actually the Devil's Birthday, commemorating the birth of Satan. It is the biggest celebration for cultists, and it is also their New Year. The Satanists would begin their series of rituals starting early October. When it comes to Halloween day, people all over the world would celebrate and immerse in a joyous atmosphere. Although most people just think it's fun, just participating in cosplay carnivals and partying, they are actually participating in the celebration of Satan. It is an exciting day for cultists. In fact, many cultists around the world recruit their members during this time, leading people to leave Christ and stay away from the One True God.

In response to the prevailing customs of Halloween, American churches have developed different counter measures:

1. Be proactive - take children to knock on doors in the neighbourhood to distribute gospel tracts and candies instead of collecting candies.

2. Hold a carnival like "Harvest Festival" in the church, so that adults and children who live in the neighbourhood can go to the church to participate in physically and spiritually edifying activities, instead of trick-or-treating around the neighbourhood dressing up in ghost costumes.

3. When children come knocking on doors trick-or-treating, give them gospel tracts along with candies.

4. Hold prayer meetings at church into mid-night in order to engage the congregation in this spiritual battle.

Children of God should understand that although we enjoy freedom in the Lord, we must also discern what is in line with God’s will and what we should stay away from. We must avoid participation in Satan's celebration, be vigilant and pray always, because the influence of spiritual forces is real and spiritual warfare is an ongoing battle.

Text/Pastor Jeffrey
pic: unsplash.com